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Why Do Horses

Equine Behaviour Services in Berkshire, UK

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15+ Years

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3000+ Hours

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200+ Dogs

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Imagine building a true partnership with your horse where you can spend quality time together feeling confident, cheerful and calm. Imagine being able to communicate clearly and train in a way that promotes your horse's wellbeing.

Using modern, evidence-based training techniques, I can teach you how to enhance your relationship with your horse and get things back on track. I work in a client-centred, horse-focused manner which places the horse-human bond at the heart of training.

By safeguarding the relationship and using modern, ethical training techniques, we can develop partnership and strengthen the bond between you and your horse.

  • Client-centred, horse-focused

  • Evidence-based, ethical training

  • Relationship building , cooperative care

The Story of Why Do Horses

The business was started in 2014, but back then it wasn't called Why Do Horses. Passionate about bringing science-based information to the everyday equestrian, Louise began writing magazine articles and applying research in practical coaching sessions.

When writing an article, she would always begin with the question 'why do horses...?' Louise felt that focusing on answering the 'why' question was really about advocating for the horse's needs. Understanding why horses have a need to do particular things also helps us understand the 'what' and the 'how' of horse behaviour too.

Thinking about 'why do horses' became so central to the business identity that she decided to adopt it as a name, in part to keep the focus on that as a core value.

Why Do Horses became incorporated in 2024 and is now a family-run business, operating in Berkshire and surrounding counties. You can find out more about us, our background and our ethos under the 'About' section.

What can you discover at Why Do Horses?


Want to enhance the lives of horses?

There're ideas for all horse-lovers!

The Happy Horse Workshop is a travelling workshop, so I come to you. Whether you're a small group of friends or a large Equestrian Centre with a host of keen clients, provided you've got the basic requirements, I'll bring along the complete workshop tool-kit.


I offer private sessions with a training plan tailored to your needs. Whether you're looking for a a few single sessions or a complete training package, there's something for you.

​If you'd like to explore what private training can do for you,
contact me to book a no obligation discovery call.


The Happy Horse Wellbeing Course is here!

Providing an introduction to equine enrichment and behavioural wellbeing, this mini-course is fully online and you can study at your own pace. With 12 lessons across 3 modules, the course incorporates videos, texts and quizzes, with a completion certificate at the end.

What do clients say?

Amy D

We had an intro session on clicker training with Louise, it was fabulous, very informative. After reading up about clicker training and getting a bit confused with all the different approaches, Louise made it very clear and explained it all thoroughly.

Eiddwen S

I contacted Why Do Horses for help with issues I was having travelling my horse. During our sessions I found myself wanting to learn more about equine behaviour and body language and I have realised I was missing a lot of knowledge. Why Do Horses have changed my entire outlook on horse training and behaviour, this is something for which I will be forever grateful!

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